Key take-aways from today’s scope:

Most people get overwhelmed and look for a new productivity tool.  

Just finding the right tool isn’t enough to resolve your productivity or organizing problem .

These are the three components for excellence:

  • Mindset– your values, beliefs, and language drive your priorities and decisions. If they are mis-aligned, even with the best tool out there you will struggle and get into self-defeating actions. Have you ever heard yourself think or say: “I always procrastinate.” “My life is a horror.” “I don’t deserve to sit down and relax.” These kind of thoughts or beliefs will lead you off course over and over. If this is you… then we need to talk more.
  • Tools– Finding the right tool for you- paper or digital that fits your needs and preferences.
  • Habits– A good tool is only effective if you interact with it and keep it up to date. A calendar that you don’t put your appointments in, doesn’t help. A Master List that doesn’t have ALL your tasks can’t help you determine your priorities. Thus, your capture habit is key.

You NEED all three, and in the right order: 1. Mindset, 2. Tools, 3. Habits … then you will create the quickest and most sustainable results for yourself.

If you’ve recognized that you’ve been going about productivity from a “Tool-focused” approach and struggling, then reach out!

I can help you identify those patterns that have been showing up, and transform your limiting beliefs and language to create a better mindset framework for your successful results.

Apply for a strategy session