Gosh…I wish I had more browser bookmarks! …said no one ever!
Because why? Because browser bookmarks are the banes of our existence, right?
(OK. Corona is the bane of our existence. But browser bookmarks can be a complete headache too!)
Our bookmark lists remind me of my childhood toy box…. the place where things get collected, but rarely ever come out to play again. So, it becomes a dumping ground full of confusion and chaos. You can’t find what you need when you need it, and everything is a MESS! I have a three-year old… seriously… too many tiny toys! Ever feel the same about your bookmarks?
So, that’s why I made this video, Freedom-Lover. Because loving freedom isn’t just about traveling the world, living the dream. It’s about implementing systems to free your business from the clutter. Because when you’re free from clutter, you’re free from stress.
I see you shivering with excitement. So am I.
How do we get rid of the clutter, and kick that stress to the curb?
With clean lines. Clean lines of gorgeous, de-cluttering potential! They glitter. They gleam. And you are the one who has the power to define them so they work in your world. Isn’t that flippin’ exciting!
That’s what this week’s Insights Video is all about: Teaching you how to define the clean lines that will systematize your browser bookmarks. Because when you reclaim power over your browser, you’re taking another small step away from being an Exhausted Entrepreneur and discovering life as a Visionary CEO.
In this week’s Insights Video, we’ll look at:
  • 1:21 – A deep dive into my childhood toy box, and all its chaos
  • 3:26 – How browser bookmarks are JUST LIKE your childhood toy box (ie a chaotic disaster)
  • 3:53 – A SUPER helpful tip on how to start gaining control over your browser bookmarks
  • 5:10 – The very clean lines of my browser bookmarks (ooooh, we are getting per-so-nal)
If you’re a digital nomad who wants to consistently and easily find exactly the information you’re looking for in seconds, then Freedom-Lover, this is for you!