Your business needs you. Always.
Even now, in 2020, when the world is basically upside down, everything feels different, and moving forward feels impossible.
Now, I get it. Seriously. I run my own business too. I know just how trying things have been for many of us this year.
And while the year’s almost over, our challenges likely aren’t.
That’s exactly why you have to keep moving forward. Even when it feels hard, even when you don’t want to, even when you’re not really sure how.
Because, here’s the bottom line: while we cannot control everything that happens to us, we can always control our response to what shows up.
That’s exactly what today’s Insights Video is all about. I want to give you a road map that you can start following right now, so you can take control of your future.
In this video we look at:
  • 0:22 – The biggest thing in your business that you can control
  • 1:47 – The role you HAVE to claim in your life
  • 2:34 – Where you ACTUALLY want to go (and how you get there!)
  • 3:19 – What you have to commit to more than anything else (hint: this might not be what you think)
  • 4:17 – Throwing out your SMART goals and your annual plans (Yup. True story)
Yes, things are uncertain, and we don’t know what’s going to happen in the future, but there’s nothing stopping you from choosing to take control, creating clarity, and building confidence so that you can show up for your business like the Visionary CEO that you are.