Strategic planning needs a blank canvas. When I think of strategic planning in my company, it starts with a completely blank canvas that I can have a whole lot of fun on. I can use color, patterns, mind maps…whatever I want.
And that’s exactly how it should be. You have a ton of ideas going on in that huge, brilliant mind of yours, and you need a place to get messy. Scribble things down. Cross things out. Doodle if you need to.
Asana isn’t good for that. Neither are any of those common kinds of project management apps.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I am a techie geek gal. I loves me a bit of Asana. It’s one of my happy places. And it is AMAZING at what it does. But it is not for strategic planning.
You need a tool that’s going to let your creative juices flow. And that’s exactly what we’re looking at in this week’s Insight Video.
It’s time to get those ideas out of your head, and onto ‘paper.’
In this video, we’ll look at:
  • 0:47 – Why Exhausted Entrepreneurs are looking for the magical silver bullet in alllll the wrong places
  • 1:19 – How these project management apps end up killing your secret weapon when doing your strategic planning
  • 1:59 – Physical tools you can use if you enjoy tactile planning (including a fun little toy I’ve found)
  • 3:14 – And digital tools that will make your creative world go round
  • 4:29 – How your team can have access to it all!
  • 4:38 – THE new way of planning! No more ANNUAL – waaaaaay more power
If you’re ready to shift your brain OUT of and away from linear thinking and open your imagination to the clear blue sky of what you could dream into existence then this video is for you.