The Back Story
Over twelve years, I built Living Peace, my first company, into one of the largest professional organizing companies in the Greater Boston area. But, along that path I discovered my LOVE for productivity and business systems. Yep, #GadgetGal #EarlyAdopter, #AppGeek.
Basically, my interests evolved from the realm of tangible organizing in the homes and offices of my clients to the more elusive questions of intangible organizing: time management, task management, priorities, and decision-making. Thus, productivity became my passion and in 2011, Chosen Course was born!
In the early years of Chosen Course, I was a consultant to C-Level executives in global corporations, but after about four years working in corporate consulting and training, I felt called to my roots… helping passionate entrepreneurs get their business systems in order.
That’s why I sold my organizing company to a colleague, who still runs it today, and I completely shifted gears to support ambitious entrepreneurs to grow beautiful, systemized, scalable businesses. After all, I had done it with my first business from beginning through exit strategy… why not help others create that success too!
Then, in 2018, we decided to take another big leap and go FULL DIGITAL NOMAD (with our toddler daughter!) I had been running a completely location-independent business for several years, but we had only traveled for a month max up to that point. However, even before we got married we had talked about wanting to travel for long-stretches. The universe aligned and the doors opened… and now we’re full-time digital nomads.
We made our dream come true, and since that leap I have immersed myself into the digital nomad, location-independent entrepreneur community. I love these people! Passionate about both their work and their very intentional lifestyle… my kind of people!
That’s why Chosen Course helps Digital Nomad Entreprenurs move from Exhaustion to Excellence!
Why Work with Me?
A colleague in the organizing and productivity industry described my work as an “intramuscular injection” rather than the “topical cream” of other approaches.
Sure, I can help you choose the right app or software tool, but I can also guide you to make the one you already have work even better! Maybe it just needs some tweaking to your structure, process, or habits.
Maybe what’s actually holding you back isn’t the tools at all, but some blocking beliefs or mindset issues. Good thing I’m trained in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and we can pull out some awesome and powerful exercises that will re-wire what you think and believe is possible!
What’s messing you up right now?
- Digital files in chaos?
- To-Do List a mess of post-its, digital notes, and random notebook pages?
- Drowning in research about which app or tool is right for you?
- Trying to find a daily routine that will help you get sh*t done, while not keeping you working 10-12 hrs for too many days a week?
Whatever your productivity or business systems issue, I’ve helped others find their road through the chaos.
What is Productivity with Purpose?
What’s different about my approach to productivity?
I throw out the idea that the goal is to “do more things in less time.” Rather, it’s about becoming even more clear about what we’re doing and WHY in order to make better decisions about how to spend our valuable time and energy with clear purpose and intentionality.
Time is our most valuable resource because you have a fixed amount of time in this life. (Reincarnation possibilities excluded *wink*)
That’s why we’re Digital Nomads right? That’s why running location-independent businesses is important to us! We want to make the most of the time we have, while serving our customers through work we’re passionate to do. We are masters of taking leaps… entrepreneurs & digital nomads … both major leaps.
Now we just need to optimize our business systems to ensure that we have time to play, enjoy, and live our best life… and serve others excellently.

Erin Elizabeth Wells, MDiv, CPO
The Intentionality Expert & Productivity Strategist, Founder
Erin Elizabeth Wells is The Intentionality Expert. A Productivity Strategist, Digital Nomad Entrepreneur, and Author of Inspired Action: Create More Purpose, Productivity, and Peace in Your Life. Help clients systematize, optimize, and automate their businesses while ensuring that they are fully aligned with their highest expression of purpose and intentional living. Need more credentials, like a Harvard Degree? Yep, got that too… Read More.

Brian Weiss
Director of Digital Marketing
Brian has a passion for the intersection of technology and human motivation. He has worked in various Health and Human Services roles before transitioning to the Digital Marketing space by joining HubSpot in 2012. Now, Brian is pleased to support his wife Erin’s work through Chosen Course. Brian studied at Endicott College and has a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. He has multiple certifications in Inbound and Digital Marketing.