Have you ever thought…

“Workspace organization? I don’t need that. I’m location-independent.
I work from places all over the globe.”

Meanwhile, you are struggling with uncomfortable chairs, tangles of cords in the bottom of your bag, not finding reliable wifi when you land someplace new, and a clutter of files on your digital desktop.

Guess what, workspace organization is for everyone, even if you’re location-independent… it just looks a little different for us.

This week’s insights video, aims to snap you out of thinking that just because you travel you have “no control” over your workspace, and share several specific ways that you can address some of those major and minor frustrations in your everyday work life.

You’ll also learn:

  • 0:38 – Why workspace organization is different for us vs. our “home-office” peers
  • 1:14 – Many common workspace organization struggles for location-independent entrepreneurs
  • 2:38 – The impact that even the “minor” disorganization issues have on your effectiveness and productivity
  • 3:26 – One simple strategy to start improving your workspace organization today
It’s important to remember that your workspace is made up of:
  • Your physical space where you work
  • Your gear and work “setup”
  • Your digital workspace and how your information in organized
All of which have an impact on your productivity and effectiveness.
What if you spent just 5-15 minutes and could get rid of a struggle that was costing you time and energy every single day?
Watch today’s Insights video and start making every day a little bit better.
P.S. We’re shifting to a new weekly Insights Video format in our blogs… a Vlog, if you prefer! So, if you have a current productivity challenge that makes you want to smack your face into your keyboard, then vvvvv leave a comment below vvvvv and you may see an upcoming video that addresses your biggest frustration!