Hiring Can be Easy and Fun

Hiring Can be Easy and Fun

Have you been avoiding hiring because it just feels so big and scary? You know, I get it! It’s a challenging skill to learn how to do well, but if you don’t face that fear, then you’re business will always have a ceiling, a limit, and boundary to its growth. As a...
Get Work Started (and Ended) Easily

Get Work Started (and Ended) Easily

Have you ever been working hard, getting stuff done, then looked up at the clock only to realize that it’s 1:00 am? Or maybe you’ve had those days where you’re puttering around the house, scrolling social media, only to realize… “OMG, it’s 3pm and I haven’t started...
The Seduction of the “New Idea”

The Seduction of the “New Idea”

Have you ever fallen down the rabbit hole with a new idea and found yourself completely off track from your plan for the day? Those new ideas… they’re so seductive and tempting! It’s so easy to be distracted away for hours or even days. As an entrepreneur, we don’t...