by Erin Elizabeth Wells | Jul 23, 2019 | Digital Nomad
It’s been almost 3 weeks since we left South Lake Tahoe, and it feels like a positive whirlwind of visits here in New England (and the obligatory doctor and dentist appointments). We drove from South Lake Tahoe to our friends Lisa and Sean’s home in Davis, CA on June...
by Erin Elizabeth Wells | Jul 16, 2019 | Action & Execution
How many times have you heard (or said) “I have so much on my to-do list! I’ve just gotta get all this stuff done.” Does that sound familiar? Have you felt that way before? Guess what… I’m about to give you the one, simple mindset shift that can transform that...
by Erin Elizabeth Wells | Jul 9, 2019 | Vision & Direction
I just finished a session with a client who’s been struggling with feelings of failure and frustration because his successes aren’t coming “on time.” His business grew by more than 50% in February, but it didn’t happen last November. Has that ever happened to you? You...
by Erin Elizabeth Wells | Jul 2, 2019 | Action & Execution
Over a decade ago I began studying David Allen’s classic Getting Things Done. So many of those ideas have become foundational to modern task and project management, but there was one piece of the GTD puzzle that was a huge challenge for me and for many, many,...
by Erin Elizabeth Wells | Jun 25, 2019 | Digital Nomad
Summer has finally come to South Lake Tahoe, but it dragged its feet. We were still getting occasional snow through my birthday in late May?! When I woke up on my birthday, looked out the window, and saw 3” of snow all I wanted to say was “Who ordered this?! Can I...