by Erin Elizabeth Wells | Oct 4, 2016 | Energy Management
I haven’t been as excited for a book release in a long time. You might think I’m talking about the new Harry Potter (which I have already read… *shrug* meh). But, no… I’m talking about Dr. Michael Breus’ The Power of When: Discover Your Chronotype — and the Best Time...
by Erin Elizabeth Wells | Sep 27, 2016 | Action & Execution
It’s a shadow that lurks in our corners. It creeps up and convinces us to just watch one more show before going to bed. Or reminds us to check our email one more time before we start that big project. Most of us call it procrastination, but Steven Pressfield,...
by Erin Elizabeth Wells | Sep 20, 2016 | Collaboration
Is it time to hire some help for your team? Perhaps you’ve been going it alone for quite some time, but now you’ve realized that this pace can’t keep up without someone’s help. Or maybe you’ve hired people in the past but always felt a bit “hit or miss” about whether...
by Erin Elizabeth Wells | Sep 13, 2016 | Workspace Organization
If you’ve spent any part of your life working in a traditional office, then it’s likely you’ve experienced the effects of poor lighting on your mood and productivity. Gloomy cubicles with strobing, fluorescent lighting have been a staple of many corporate work...
by Erin Elizabeth Wells | Sep 6, 2016 | Collaboration
A few months ago, I re-watched the romantic classic You’ve Got Mail. I couldn’t help thinking how sweet and dated it was! Little dial-up noises, and the joy that we used to feel when we’d hear the cheerful “You’ve Got Mail” notification from AOL. Now, most of us have...