by Erin Elizabeth Wells | Feb 2, 2016 | Workspace Organization
How much time do you spend in your office? Depending on your type of work… the answer may vary. However, I know there’s a good portion of us who spend the lion’s share of our waking hours in our office space. When was the last time you really looked around your...
by Erin Elizabeth Wells | Jan 26, 2016 | Collaboration
As your business team starts growing, one of the unfortunate side-effects is that your email inbox starts growing too. Now, you not only have messages from clients, vendors, and other lists… now you have “internal email” messages. As I grew my first company, this was...
by Erin Elizabeth Wells | Jan 19, 2016 | Workspace Organization
It’s time for the annual paper archiving party! Many years ago I began this yearly purge of my files as a way to keep enough space in my active files drawers and keep them from getting gummed up with really old stuff. After all, the only reason I’m going to need that...
by Erin Elizabeth Wells | Jan 12, 2016 | Energy Management
It’s Wrap-up Time! (OK, maybe not right this minute if you’re reading this at lunch time… are you?) But, today, like each day, will come to a end, and there will be a moment to wrap up your work and shift gears toward dinner and home. The end of the work day ritual...
by Erin Elizabeth Wells | Jan 5, 2016 | Vision & Direction
Did you set a resolution this New Year’s? I’m sure you’ve heard the stats many times before about how many resolutions lose steam quickly. Let’s help you get into the success columns by addressing one of these most common areas where folks fall down regarding...