by Erin Elizabeth Wells | Jul 17, 2015 | Action & Execution, Chosen Course Insights Video
Take-aways from today’s scope: Even Billionaires make lists– “What Richard Branson Can Teach You About To-Do Lists“ No one can expect to remember everything they are committed to or responsible for doing – whatever your age. Getting...
by Erin Elizabeth Wells | Jul 16, 2015 | Action & Execution, Chosen Course Insights Video, Workspace Organization
Take-Aways from today’s Periscope insights chat: Start with a brainstormed list of topics for your blog, periscopes, YouTube Videos, podcasts – Excellent use of Evernote to capture new ideas “on the fly.” Have a “calendar” or table...
by Erin Elizabeth Wells | Jul 15, 2015 | Action & Execution, Chosen Course Insights Video
Take-aways from today’s scope: Your calendar is NOT a good place to manage your tasks – Calendars are for appointments. Only put projects that require a LARGE chunk of time on your calendar. Create a Master Task List – one place where all your tasks...
by Erin Elizabeth Wells | Jul 14, 2015 | Collaboration
Two heads aren’t always better than one, sometimes we just need to get focused and get down to work! How can we limit interruptions and distractions with everyone coming in and out of our workspace all day long? How can we Be Available, but not TOO available in...
by Erin Elizabeth Wells | Jul 14, 2015 | Chosen Course Insights Video, Energy Management
Key Take-aways from today’s scope: Time Management is a fantasy – You can’t manage time! It just flows along for all of us. Notice your language: “I don’t have time to _____ .” Really means “_________ is not a priority right now.”...