by Erin Elizabeth Wells | May 5, 2015 | Collaboration
Have you ever scribbled that task in the margin of a page to remind you of a follow-up action… and then forgotten about it? Or maybe you were taking notes feverishly during your last client meeting, and all those notes and actions got buried in your notebook and...
by Erin Elizabeth Wells | Apr 28, 2015 | Workspace Organization
Papers, papers everywhere! What happened to our paperless society? Actually, I think we’re getting closer than ever before with tablet technology becoming so widespread. However, there’s no question that we all have a bunch of paper flowing through our lives and...
by Erin Elizabeth Wells | Apr 21, 2015 | Collaboration
UPDATE: Unfortunately, Mailbox has been shut down as of February 26, 2016. Check out these alternatives for similar email apps. Mailbox Alternatives: Managing email has actually gotten better Original Post: A few weeks ago, I wrote about my own journey to Inbox Zero,...
by Erin Elizabeth Wells | Apr 14, 2015 | Vision & Direction
Why am I here? What is my purpose? I want to do something more fulfilling with my life. I have heard so many different people express these questions and desires, and I understand deeply the yearning that they represent. Recently, I finished a wonderful book by...
by Erin Elizabeth Wells | Apr 6, 2015 | Energy Management
At one time or another we all all experience weeks, months or dare I say , years of anxiety trying to juggle family, work and responsibility when what we desire is balance, Life Balance. In this video I’m going to challenge your expectations and ask you to toss...