What does it mean to be location-independent or a digital nomad when you CAN’T travel? With the whole world turning on its head, borders closing, and short-term rentals temporarily shut down or made illegal… how do we navigate, how do we stay connected to our explorer’s identity even in the midst of these challenges?
These are questions that I’ve been thinking a lot about lately because as a digital nomad family we’re feeling these pressures too. This video was inspired by the answers that have arisen for me which I hope will also help you find your path through changing times.
This week’s Insights video may allow you to end some of your frustration, feeling like you’re just throwing yourself at the walls, clawing to get out, and instead give you a sense of clarity and purpose around how to you can keep exploring even when you can’t actively travel.
In this video, you’ll learn:
  • 1:07 – What our current situation most reminds me of from childhood
  • 2:55 – The key question that may help you shift your mind into a more empowered space
  • 3:07 – Three options you can do right now (even in quarantine) to continue exploring
If you’ve been struggling with how to reconcile your location-independent or digital nomad identity in these changing times, or you’re trying to figure out how to embrace your desire to explore even now, then you won’t want to miss this video.