What are those things you’re still waiting to do in life? Those things, that when you think about them, your heart beats a little bit faster.
Butterflies flit around in your stomach.
You get EXCITED.
I’ve realized over my life, that there are two ‘Oh my goodness, I can’t wait to do this’ kinds of things.
There are those really huge, giant dreams:
  • Climbing Everest.(Actually no, this isn’t one of mine, but maybe it’s one of yours? Who says you can’t dream big and CRAZY?)
  • Visiting the Taj Mahal (that one’s on my list).
  • A Helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon (I already did this one… it was SUPER cool).
And then there are the daily dreams – the things that create a vibrancy and vividness to your life.
The things that you weave into your every day, that bring you closer to the daily vision of the lifestyle you dream about.
It could be learning a new language.
Or mastering a headstand.
Or walking on the beach every morning because it makes you feel connected to something inspiring.
Now, how do you accomplish BOTH kinds of dreams? Because they’re different, Freedom-Lover. And each needs its own strategy.
Ultimately, this means two really exciting things:
  1. You don’t need to wait until, you know, you’re about to “kick the bucket” to start working on your list
  2. You actually want TWO LISTS (double the fun!)
In this week’s Insights Video I want to show you how to strategize so that you can have the most beautiful, fun-filled life you can imagine – every single day.
In this video, we’ll look at:
  • 0:21 – Why I HATE the term “Bucket List”
  • 0:47 – Why you need two lists to start living life to the hilt
  • 2.30 – Which dreams in your life belong on which list (and how to start making them happen!)
  • 3:44 – A common mistake we make, and how we can avoid it (this one’s all about habits)
  • 4:35 – A little tip so you can spice up your life right now
If you’re ready to start living big, small, large, tiny, loud, quietly, today, tomorrow, in 40 years and every day in between, then this video is for you.