“I would to God that there were more ambition in this country.
By that I mean ambition of the laudable kind – To Excel.”
This is a quote that has stuck with me throughout my entrepreneurial career.
It was said by John Adams, the second President of the USA.
Ambition. We denigrate it, right? We look at people with ambition as greedy and self-serving, right? WHY? Why do we do this?
Hear me out: imagine if you saw your ambition as a noble desire to excel. To be the best you could be. And THEN imagine that you actually did that: You went out into the world, and you whole-heartedly embraced your ambition to excel.
This week’s Insights video encourages you to explore how to make that a reality in your own life.
In this video, you’ll learn:
  • 0:41 – One of the most wonderful things that could happen to this country
  • 1:32 – The thing that entrepreneurs have tasted that they want more of
  • 1:49 – One way we can actually change the world (it starts with you, Freedom-Lover)
If you need a nudge to embrace your ambition, and your desire to excel, so that you can play your part in changing the world… for your children, for your families, and for generations to come, then Freedom-lover, this video is for you.