I love to travel. LOVE IT.
I love the freedom it gives me.
I love learning about new places and new people.
I love what it teaches me about myself.
We’ve slowed our travel down entirely during the pandemic. It was the responsible thing to do, and I don’t regret it for a single second.
We made a choice as a family to be responsible and lay as low as we could.
And…I have been climbing the walls a bit! Lockdown is tough.
I think that’s the phrase that’s been uttered most in the last year. ‘Lockdown is tough.’
It’s especially tough if you’re location-independent and used to traveling, right?
Because now…well…look at us. A lot of us have been in one place for far too long.
Where before we could hop on a plane or a train and travel to the place that was calling our name…now we have to tell that place to stop calling our name and leave us alone!
But… there are options, as much as sometimes we don’t feel like we have any.
We’ve been given an opportunity to take control of a couple of things.
And I think that’s pretty amazing. It’s a gift, really. But only if we recognize it and use it wisely, and responsibly.
That’s exactly what we’re looking at in this week’s Insights Video.
Perhaps this is exactly the time where we can choose where and how to stay put. Or…not.
In this video, we’ll look at:
  • 0:29 – The most exciting question we can ask ourselves right now.
  • 0:51 – Top spots to quarantine, that will bring some memories flooding back.
  • 1:10 – What it takes to make the travel bug happy, during a pandemic.
  • 1:44 – How your travelcan behelpful to the community.
If you’re a location-independent entrepreneur and you’re looking for ways to keep moving, or stay still intentionally, during this time, then this video is for you, Freedom-Lover.