So, you’re on it! You’re steadily working towards SUCCESS! Whoop. Healthy bank balance. A house of largesse. A fast car. Your 2.5 kids are going to be college educated because you have a rocking job, and you can afford it. You are going to smash that success in its FACE. A. May. Zing.
Now…how’s your soul?
Yup, thought so. We don’t think about that part very often, do we? We’re so busy trying to live up to society’s definition of success, that we sometimes forget about the things that bring us meaning and fulfilment. How many stories have we heard about people working for decades to get the fast car, the huge salary, and the mansion – only to end up on the bathroom floor of that mansion, in the fetal position, sobbing their hearts out. And why? Because they have the things they wanted, but not the life they wanted.
It’s time we start to redefine this idea of success. What nourishes your soul? What makes those champagne bubbles fizz in your veins? What gets you in the mood to boogie? When you can answer those questions, then you’re on your way to real success, Rockstar.
This week’s Insights video encourages you to explore what a new vision for your success could look like. It connects you to a new definition of success. It suggests to you a new journey, complete with four phases, that will feed your soul. And who doesn’t want that?
In this video, you’ll learn:
  • 0:40 – The way you define success might be WAY too old school
  • 1:35 – What if you redefine success for yourself?
  • 1:55 – The 4 phases of the journey that will help you reach that new definition
If you’re a business owner who wants to kick ass and take names, and get your spirit flying high, then Freedom-lover, this video is for you.