Take-aways from today’s scope:

  • Frequently, people confuse goals with states. Goal => takes time to create or accomplish; State => an emotion or experience that’s immediately accessible simply by invoking a memory of the last time you felt that way.
  • We often tie the two together: I will be happy when x, y, & z are true. Thus, not giving ourselves permission to feel positive, empowering emotions with more frequency.
  • Try starting a joy journal to track all the times throughout the day when you were joyful or happy to recognize the pattern of those moments.
  • Practice invoking empowering emotions at will by dropping into a memory of those happy emotions and shifting your physiology to match: how were you standing & breathing when you felt X? What were your seeing, hearing, feeling? Close your eyes and step into it as if it was happening right now.
  • Invoking empowering emotions will make it easier for you to achieve your desired goals! – This is part of the mindset work behind improving your productivity and effectiveness.

Watch today’s replay: