Take-Aways from Today’s scope:

  • Evernote, at its best, is a digital notebook. Or even a digital file drawer full of notebooks.
  • Personal Use Cases: Recipes, Owners Manuals, Travel plans, Household Notes & Documents, Wedding Planning, Party Planning, Receipts, Resource Notebooks, Medical docs (if you’re comfortable with that)
  • Business Use Cases: Client notebooks, Blog Posts/Editorial Calendar, Creating Funnel Copy, swipe file, procedures documentation, Marketing plans & Website redesign, Hiring process, Mastermind Notebook
  • Favorite features: Web clipper, Sharing notes or notebooks, image annotation, creating pillar notes.
  • What Evernote doesn’t do well? – Task Management! – There are MUCH better tools for tasks – Asana, Wunderlist, Trello.

Catch my tech talk later today (Tuesday, July 21, 2015 1:00pm ET) on Using Evernote & Asana as Your Editorial Calendar.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Keep all your blog posts and ideas organized effectively.
  • Know when each topic is going live and the tasks necessary to get it out the door.
  • Delegate tasks to team members easily & get live updates on progress.
  • Learn how I’ve run TWO blogs with 8 different people easily!

Catch the replay: