I’m talking LOVE with a capital L. O. V. E.
Love it.
Specifically, St. Nuage – which is a triple cream similar to a brie or Camembert, but creamier.
But, really, I’m a fan of many types of cheese, and I LOVE a good cheese shop. I can pretty much each cheese at every meal.
I’m basically never going to say no to cheese. I’m never going to feel ‘meh’ about cheese. I’mma choose it every time you ask me, “What’s your favorite food, Erin?” It’s cheese.
This is how I feel about my entrepreneurial life, too. I LOVE IT. It is deeply satisfying and happy-making. I’m sure you feel that way too…. or maybe you USED to?
So what happens to make us lose our passion for it?
Has any of this happened to you…
You’re moving through life, but really you’re merely existing enough to tick all the boxes.
Or you’ve forgotten your purpose.
Or you’re not living intentionally.
You’re stuck on autopilot.
We are so BLESSED to be able to live this life, Freedom-Lover. But you gotta actually live it.
You’ve got to smash life into your face, the same way I smash cheese into mine. Deliberately. With love and intention.
In this week’s Insights Video, I want to challenge you to start living life like you mean it.
With flow and connection.
In this video, you’ll learn:
  • 0:50 – The term psychologists use to describe this feeling of ‘meh’ in our lives (are you feeling it?)
  • 2:16 – What starts to happen around you when you step into your laudable ambition and commit to living with intention
  • 2:59 – The real enemy of intentional living (we’re doing it all the time)
  • 3:55 – The simple things you can do to get yourself out of the funk, and rediscover the FUNKY
  • 4:28 – The one ingredient you need to leverage to end languishing and fall back in love with your life
If you feel like it’s time to rediscover your meaning and purpose, and reconnect with that sense of FLOW in your life, then this video is for you.
It’s time to live with intention, Freedom-Lover.
P.S I’ve put together a free 5-video series so you can start diving a little bit deeper into strategies to manage your exhaustion. Visit ChosenCourse.com/IWantMore and take a look at my free Road to Inspired Action video series. You’re gonna love it!