Take-aways from today’s scope:

  • Even Billionaires make listsWhat Richard Branson Can Teach You About To-Do Lists
  • No one can expect to remember everything they are committed to or responsible for doing – whatever your age.
  • Getting everything out of your head always you to reflect and prioritize more effectively.
  • Carry a capture tool – paper or digital, whatever works for you.
  • Separate notes from actions. Don’t let your actions get lost in the midst of a bunch of other thoughts & ideas.
  • Start your Master List – One place where all your actions live!

Start Your Master List- 3dcoverGrab my free eGuide “Start Your Master List”

  • Gives the first 6 step-by-step instructions for how to start you own effective Master List of tasks.
  • Recommends my favorite tools both paper and digital.
  • Guides you about how to break down large projects into bite-size tasks.
  • Provides insight into how to write effective Next Actions so that you don’t waste brain power having the same circular thought again and again (“John… what about John? Why did I need to call him again?… drat…”)
  • and a lot more…

Download the eGuide Button (18)



Watch the replay of today’s scope: