There are some things that you can’t do in a weekend:
Learn a new language.
Train for a marathon.
Travel to all your favorite places in the world.
Know what else you can’t do in a weekend? GET ORGANIZED.
Think about how complex it is to do those three things:
  • Learning a language takes time. It takes dedication and work. Repetition. Learning. Unlearning.
  • Training for a marathon…your body takes time building stamina. It’s not an instant accomplishment.
  • Traveling the world…that takes time too. Literal time in an airplane, train, tuk tuk … and more.
When you start thinking about the process of getting organized in the same way as you think about doing those three things, then you realize that it too requires time.
It requires systems. Commitment. Dedication. It requires you to build habits.
When you accept all of this, that’s when an organized life and business starts to not only look possible, but probable too.
In this week’s Insights video we’re looking at the systems you need in place so that you can organize like a boss.
In this video, you’ll learn:
  • 0:27 – What we’ve been told about getting organized that just isn’t true (and it’s not helping us either)
  • 1:33 – The thing that’s been sold to us, that isn’t actually helping our organization journey at all
  • 2:14 – The incorrect assumption about organizing that we’re all living with all the time
  • 2:39 – The three things you actually need to create a more organized life
  • 4:17 – What you need to build to make any system functional
  • 5:18 – How to set up your busy business for greater potential growth
It’s time to stop the constant feeling of being disorganized, and take control of your systems and your habits.
P.S I’ve put together a free 5-video series so you can start diving a little bit deeper into strategies to manage your exhaustion. Visit and take a look at my free Road to Inspired Action video series. You’re gonna love it!