Life starts “getting real” when major emergencies hit. Whether it’s a failed hard drive, a stolen laptop, or a global pandemic, there will always be emergencies in our lives. So, how can be become better prepared to handle them when they show up?
That’s what this week’s Insights video aims to help you figure out. What can you do to ensure you’re even more prepared the next time something crazy screwy shows up in your life?
In this video you’ll learn:
  • 0:56 – What you should DEFINITELY keep in your carry-on bag… wherever you might be traveling.
  • 2:14 – Why the 3, 2, 1 Rule may save you (and your business) from disaster
  • 4:07 – How to navigate the emotional toll of major and minor emergencies
  • 6:51 – The one powerful spiritual teaching that can help you remember what’s most important right now
If the adventures of the past couple months have left you wondering… how can I feel more prepared both now and in the future, then watch this video!