Infusion Programs

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” -Aristotle

Inspiration, clarity, and insights from any moment are only realized through changes you make over time. Some changes require time to soak in. After all, habits aren’t solidified in a day. Ambitious, heart-centered entrepreneurs know that investing the time to intentionally create their business success is ALWAYS worth the effort.

Now, is the time to take action and implement the reality for your ideal business and life.

That’s why if you’re looking for, both strategy and accountability, to create the outcomes you desire, then what you want is an Infusion Program. 

Continuous progress and effort over time will allow you to achieve ANY goal. But, if you’ve been finding yourself stuck or spinning your wheels, then it might be time to bring in an expert in “getting things done” to help guide you over the finish line.

INFUSION PROGRAMS ARE ALL ABOUT IMPLEMENTATION AND ACCOUNTABILITY. You will receive the private guidance, the tools, and expertise to ensure you stay “on course” and start building the habits and systems to live each day intentionally.

Together, we will move you toward what you most want for your life and business.

The life of an entrepreneur can be solitary and isolated. Even if you have a team that you work with, as a leader, you can’t always share your frustrations and dreams with your colleagues. That’s why having someone “on our team” encouraging, questioning, and influencing our process to help us keep moving forward is the best gift we can give ourselves. That’s why the top executives and athletes hire coaches!

Now, many coaches or even colleagues could provide encouragement for you and help ask good questions. Why would you want a Chosen Course Infusion Program?  BECAUSE YOU NEED SOMEONE BOTH TO ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS AND WHO ALREADY KNOWS SOME ANSWERS!

Coaches pride themselves on drawing the answers forth from their clients, and my training in Neuro-Linguistic Programming has taught me how important it is to step into and honor my client’s map of the world, her vision, and her intentions.

As a consultant, however, sometimes what you really need is a system and process to implement and customize for your situation and circumstances. After all, if you don’t know how to use that tool or piece of software effectively what you want is for someone to teach you, right?


You can continue to invest tons of time trying to figure out for yourself how to optimize your productivity mindset, tools, and habits… OR you can shorten that learning curve and catapult your results quickly!


So, if you know this is for you, don’t hesitate.

How Does It Work?

Our aim is to create sustainable change which requires addressing the three keys of excellence: Mindset, Tools, & Habits.

Your Infusion Program begins by assessing your current situation.

Where are you struggling:

  • Procrastinating important projects
  • Feeling exhausted at the end of every day
  • Overwhelmed by everything on your task list
  • Is your email inbox a giant mess
  • Does your life feel horribly “out of balance”
  • Are you spending time on little things and big projects aren’t getting your attention

Take the Excellence Assessment

Chosen Course Productivity Compass

What can we help you make happen?

Since everyone’s in a different place in their business the challenges you face may vary. Here’s are some of the results that we can achieve together:

Purpose & Direction

  • Create the vision for your ideal life and business.
  • Identify the clear, specific goals you are aiming to achieve.
  • Raise awareness of your core values and how they have been driving results in your life and business.
  • Align your core values, goals, and direction to realize your success.
  • Recognize the limiting beliefs that are holding you back from excellence.

Energy Management

  • Identify the specific changes needed to improve your physical energy each day
  • Assess your energy management leaks on all levels- physical, emotional, mental, & spiritual
  • Develop habits to give you more mental downtime daily

Time & Calendar Management

  • Craft your daily & weekly routines to create more balance in your life.
  • Choose a calendar tool that will support how you think about time.
  • Create calendar systems that will work for your whole team or family.
  • Identify how you “store” time and how you can improve your “lateness” problems.

Workspace Setup

  • Learn how to reorganize your office space sustainably
  • Discover how to create more spaciousness in your home or office environment

Task Management

  • Learn how to end every day feeling productive & awesome.
  • Identify the task management tools that are ideal for how you work.
  • Ensure you’re working proactively each day on what matters to you.
  • Learn how to break down any project into manageable chunks.
  • Develop your process for overcoming procrastination permanently.

Email & Technology

  • Reduce your email time by 50% or more.
  • Learn the system to reach Inbox Zero and maintain it.
  • Reduce your reliance on email to communicate with your team members.
  • Stop being driven by other people’s agendas each day.
  • Discover some of the best apps to stay on top of it all.

Paper Management

  • Learn how to spend less than 5 minutes per day processing your incoming paperwork.
  • Explore if you’re ready for a “paper-less” workflow.
  • Identify the structure for a filing system that works for you.
  • Get the paper where it belongs… and off your dining table.


  • Learn how to hire the right people to help your company grow.
  • Develop on-boarding, management, and exit strategies to handle your growing team.
  • Create procedure documentation to support training staff members.
  • Choose technology solutions to make communications amongst team members seamless.

What’s Included

  • You will start with an in-depth questionnaire to get completely “on page” about what you want to improve, where you’ve been stuck in the past, and to begin creating your vision for the future that you are intentionally stepping into right NOW.
  • We will work together primarily via Skype (or phone if you prefer).
  • Our first session will be extra-long (90 min- 3 hours) to dive deep into your vision, goals, and start doing the foundational transformation work around your mindset that will help you achieve your outcomes. (Really serious clients start with an Intensive using that to catapult our work forward, then follow on with an Infusion Program to get the Implementation solid.)
  • Based on your goals, additional pre-training, and other resources may be provided.
  • Meeting via Skype (or phone) every 2 weeks, we will spend from 30-90 minutes each session building the systems you need: Including the mindset, tools, and habits for success.
  • You will get support and accountability via email and text between sessions to ensure that you are strategically getting stuff done!
  • The content of our sessions will depend on your goals:
    • Setup better systems for triaging and minimizing your email inflow.
    • Create more structure for your “unstructured” day to help you leverage your energy better.
    • Develop your Master Task List system to help you know “what’s on your plate” and be able to know and DO your priorities more consistently.
    • Get clear on your top priorities “Big Rocks” so that they don’t continuously come last… including YOU!
    • And so many more…
  • Our minimum commitment is 3 months for our Infusion Programs, but the most successful clients generally commit to at least 6 months of transformative work, and MANY clients choose to add time and continue beyond the original program to continue getting the support and accountability as their lives and needs shift.
  • When we wrap up our first program, you will repeat the Excellence Assessment to see exactly how far you’ve come! Most of my clients have seen 37-69% improvement across the key areas of productivity following 6 months of work together!
  • Additional training and resources may be recommended or provided based on your needs.
  • We will check-in periodically via email and text to support your ongoing integration of our work.
  • You will receive special offers for future programs and events that can continue to help you and your business grow ever more intentionally and effectively.

What Happens Next?

Your Excellence Assessment results will show you specifically what you could be doing better to solve some of those problems above! Then, if you’re excited to get some support to start making those changes, you can:

Apply for a Strategy Session Today!

Click here to request your strategy session and get started on your new course.

Limited Availability for Infusion Program Clients!

There is only space in the schedule for 12 private clients at a time,
so there may be a waiting list for Infusion Programs.
Apply now for a Strategy Session, and we’ll see about getting started!

Your Other Options


Inspired Action Mastermind
Ignition Events

Past Clients

Mountains of Praise

Your recent visit to our team provided a huge accelerator for our performance. It was like Miracle Gro!

Martha May

SVP, Human Resources, Rockwell Collins

Working with Chosen Course was one of the best investments I’ve made in my career.  Not only did Erin assist me in becoming more results-oriented in my corporate practice, but our work together is now facilitating my evolution into an entrepreneur.

Meghan Gross

Founder, Gem Strategic Communications

Chosen Course has helped many an executive determine what their “big rocks” should be in terms of priorities and then provided them with guidance on how to ensure that their calendar is well aligned with these priorities.

Scott Weighart

Director of Learning & Development, Bates Communications