There comes a time in many business owners’ lives that brings on a flitter of fear.
A dash of discomfort.
An element of eek.
What does this time entail?
Often it’s a turning point, and it can launch your biz into the stratosphere. No, really. You can reach magical levels of success.
The problem is…it can be scary. And uncomfortable. So, often, we don’t want to do it. As humans, we crave safety, familiarity, and predictability. But these aren’t going to help us scale in a way that’s sustainable, or powerful.
The Pivot is KEY, Freedom-Lover. But are you ready for it?
In this week’s Insights video we’re looking at the ‘P’ word and all the delicious opportunities that come along with it, including how you can do it in a way that feels right for you.
In this video, you’ll learn:
  • 0:47 – The thing every single business owner realizes and has to grapple with
  • 1:02 – What we dread most when it comes to scaling
  • 1:49 – The thing that most successful people in the online business space have done (that you can absolutely do too!)
  • 3:54 – How to start planning to make changes in your business
  • 4:49 – That you do NOT want to set up a ton of goals for yourself or your business (they’re not going to help)
If you’re ready to really learn how to create a business that is sustainable, scalable, and powerful then this is for you.
P.S. I’ve put together a free 5-video series so you can start diving a little bit deeper into strategies to manage your exhaustion. Visit and take a look at my free Road to Inspired Action video series. You’re gonna love it!