The Project Problem

You’ve got that project that you’ve been actively working on for weeks. While it may not get pulled out everyday, usually at least a few times a week you find yourself digging out that file and spending some time with it.

And if you’re like me… and several of my clients, when it gets to the end of the day you look at the paperwork for the project and feel some resistance to collecting it all back into the folder and putting it “away” in your file drawer. That file drawer just feels so far, so hidden, so “out-of-sight-out-of-mind.”

At the same time, you know that you’re unlikely to be working on the project again for several days due to your packed calendar of meetings. What to do?

The Easy-Access Solution

This frustration was exactly why I began recommending to some clients (and implemented myself) a system of “active project files” that was separate from my standard reference file system. After all, when I’m in the middle of team reviews I don’t want to go digging for those papers repeatedly in the same place with my bank statements and insurance files. I wanted them closer to hand.

Therefore, my active projects were given a new home and place of honor in a slotted paper sorter. Each slot was given a specific category that would provide an appropriate home to related projects (thus making the appropriate folders easier to find.)


I also decided to use a different style of folder for these files preferring to be able to see the top page through the clear files to have a further visual cue about the content of the folder.

I would love to say that I was effectively using the color coding of the edge strips as well, but in reality I’m not. Since the folders come in packs of 10 with only 2 of each color and my needs shift frequently with the focus of my work, I decided to let go of that little element of organized “anality.”

Poly file folders


However, since creating this system that resistance to putting away my “toys” (ok, my work) at the end of the day has lessened greatly. The files are easy to see, easy to grab, and easy to return making it much more likely that I’m able to clear up quickly at the end of the day.

Next Steps

Have you ever felt that resistance to putting your active work away at the end of the day? Then perhaps you’ll want to create an active file system in your home or office too! Do you have an active project file system of your own? I would love to have you share thoughts and pictures in the comments below. I’d love to learn and gather inspiration from your solutions as well!