Are you ready to launch?
You’ve got big work, big dreams, and SO MANY things on your plate!
Without good project management systems, you will lose time, waste energy, and feel constantly confused.
These two programs are your ticket out of the To-do list chaos.
If you’ve got Post-it notes everywhere…
You’re struggling to break big projects into tasks, and procrastinating getting started…
You are working non-stop because your list is never-ending…
Deadlines are getting missed, and you’re feeling frustrated and depressed.
Then, your project management skills might be ready for some help.
Complex projects… like running a business… cannot be managed in your head. There’s no way that you can keep all the moving parts of your business responsibilities clear and prioritized effectively without a strong project management system to help you:
- Determine your daily priorities – stay focused on what matters right now
- Know you’re acting proactively and intentionally – giving your priorities time and attention rather than working from your inbox
- Figure out what you can delegate – Be able to oversee/manage that work effectively
- Get Sh*t done and know how you spent your day – feel productive and awesome every single day you choose to work.
With the right combination of mindset, tools, and habits you can experience a business that flows naturally and know that you’re working smart, feeling confident, and empowered to grow and achieve ALL your goals.
What might your life be like if your systems allowed you to have more freedom, peace, and creativity because you knew how to prioritize and set better expectations?
Project Success Goals
Whether you choose to do this work as an INTENSIVE or an INFUSION PROGRAM, from this experience you will:
- Identify a project management tool that fits your working style and business circumstances.
- Learn the daily habits that can allow you to stay completely focused on your top priorities and consistently getting things done.
- Uncover the shifts in mindset and expectations that will allow you to feel more at ease, calmer, and more spacious.
- Develop the skills to change the “stuff” on your old to-do lists into clear, next actions so that you can reduce your wasted mental energy.
- Break any big project into manageable steps, and learn the first essential step to getting a project started no matter how enormous it is.
- Embed a consistent belief that you are someone who knows what’s important to you and gets that done consistently.

Which road is right for you?

During our Project Success Intensive we will spend a intimate, private day to dig deep into your world. We will explore the best project management tools for you, brain dump your tasks into one place, and get clear on what’s really on your plate. Then, together we will help you install the mindset shifts and habits that will allow you to conquer your patterns of daily overwhelm immediately.
Intensives are all about TRANSFORMATION and CLARITY which means we’ll be able to get months of work done in a single day!
This is your chance to become that jet-setter you’ve always wanted to be. During your intensive we will meet LIVE, in-person to go deep into your work, so this is a great opportunity to hop on a plane to some place you’ve wanted to visit (and deduct the trip as a business expense!)
We schedule intensive locations in many beautiful places. Click the “EXPLORE” button on the left to find out where we’ll be next!
If seeing the world is on your bucket list, why wait?! This is your opportunity to treat yourself and your dreams to a whole day of playful exploration while experiencing the world in style. This is the life we’ve have… and why not enjoy it?
(Intensives can be done via Skype too, if you need the immediate powerful work, but can’t make the traveling happen right now.)

Better project management skills can sometimes benefit from ongoing support, which is why you might LOVE our Project Success Infusion Program.
Infusion Programs are all about IMPLEMENTATION and ACCOUNTABILITY. Ensuring that you’re creating change and getting things DONE.
You will receive the private guidance, the tools, and expertise to ensure you stay “on course” and start building the habits and systems to live each day intentionally.
We will work together for 6 months via Skype & by phone to help you not only identify and create your new project management systems, but actively install them into your every day life. Together we will be able to evaluate, tweak, and improve them over time to ensure your success.
Now, is the time to take action and implement the reality for your ideal business and life. If you’re looking for, both strategy and accountability support, to create the outcomes you desire, then what you want is an Infusion Program.