First of all… congratulations on SHOWING UP! You are amongst the first people who took action to open your mind and heart to learning from our free video training series on Inspired Action: To-Dos Done Right, which will be starting in just a couple weeks. 

And because you’ve showed up as an action taker, I want to honor you, and give you a few bonus lessons that the other folks who procrastinated won’t receive 🙂. After all, action-takers are frequently rewarded… throughout life. 

We can go back to the old Ben Franklin aphorism that “the early bird gets the worm” or Woody Allen’s “Eighty percent of success is showing up.” Either way, I want to spend a couple minutes celebrating you, and recognizing the importance of “showing up” for life. 

How are you showing up for your life right now? … or a better question…

What could I do today to show up even more fully for my life? 

What might happen if you asked yourself that question each day? Or you can evolve it for certain contexts. If something in your life feels “out of balance,” then the place to start is with a simple question:

What could I do today to show up even more fully for __________? My family, my friends, my coworkers, my health, my peace of mind… 

Notice the presupposition in this question… you already are showing up, now you’re inviting yourself to show up “even more.” Doesn’t that feel more empowering, rather than criticizing or judging what you “should” do?

What if every time you catch yourself in a “should” you asked this kind of question to put yourself into a space of choice… what could I do to _____________ even more today?

  • What could I do to take even better care of myself today?
  • What could I do even more to show my spouse how much I appreciate them today?
  • What could I do to acknowledge my co-workers even more and catch them doing something right today?

I would love to invite you to share your question and answer in the comments below. Let’s inspire and support each other in showing up even more fully for our lives.

Success is all about … showing up.