Is it time to GROW?
There simply aren’t enough hours in a day to accomplish everything that your business needs to keep growing.
It’s time to invest in your success and learn the business skills needed to grow from SOLO to TEAM.
You’re hitting the exhaustion wall every day…
Are you spending time on little tasks that really don’t need your brilliance?
Are you realizing that some of your business activities might be better in someone else’s hands?
Does the idea of hiring people feel slightly daunting or intimidating?
Then, you might be ready for some help to GROW.
The steps involved in growing your business and bringing on team members can be complex and overwhelming. Particularly if you’ve never hired or managed people before. However, they are just skills, like everything else you’ve learned to start and grow your business.
You could take the time researching and spend years of trial and error to figure out what works best when it comes to hiring and managing a team, or you could take the short-cut and learn from someone who’s already been doing it for over a decade.
While it will still take you a bit of time to learn and implement your team-related systems into your own business, we can cut that time down to months rather than years, AND it will pay HUGE dividends. Growing your team will ensure that your business’ growth isn’t limited by your own time and energy capacity.
Our Solo 2 Team Programs will help you:
- Learn the essential skills involved in hiring, training, and managing a team – Allowing you to feel confident in your ability to hire and manage people like a boss!
- Create clarity about whether you’re financially ready to hire – Stop stressing about “Am I ready?” and figure out your road to BE ready!
- Figure out what you can delegate – Get clear on what work needs YOU, and what someone else could do as well or BETTER.
- Identify who you really need to hire – Both now and in the future… Get clear on what roles would help you continue to grow your business and when you’ll be ready to hire them.
No matter how much we might wish it… hiring isn’t a one time thing. It’s a moving and growing part of your business and a whole new chapter to your entrepreneurial growth. (After all, the times of spending our whole lives in one job are over, so people will come and go from your world.) Which means that with the right systems in place hiring can be dramatically easier as team members flow into and out of your business.
With the right combination of mindset, tools, and habits you can experience business and team management processes that flow naturally and know that you’re finding excellent team members who are well-suited to your businesses current needs.
What if you could just regain 5-10 hours a week to work on business building rather than administrative minutia? How much could your business grow? What might your life be like if your team members could keep all the balls rolling while you took a month-long vacation?
Solo 2 Team Goals
Whether you choose to do this work as an INTENSIVE or an INFUSION PROGRAM, from this experience you will:
- Define the work that needs you and what could be delegated to other team members.
- Learn the importance of competencies in finding the “Right Fit” people for your desired role, business, and management style.
- Ensure you consider the legal and financial questions that will protect your business’ growth and development (BTW: I’m not a lawyer or accountant, but I’ll help you ask your lawyer and accountant the right questions.)
- Develop your hiring and interviewing process to ensure you’re able to find the best candidates for your positions. Including the specific questions to ask to make sure they’ve “got what it takes.”
- Identify the business system changes that might be necessary to share information across team members.
- Learn the communication skills that will allow your team members to feel appreciated and think you are really a “Kick-ass boss!” (That’s what my team members have called me… and I can help you learn how to become one too!)

Which road is right for you?

During our Solo2Team Intensive we will spend a intimate, private day to dig deep into your world. We will explore your current business systems and identify what you could delegate (both now and in the future.) Then, together we will help you define the job description(s) for your first hire(s), and outline your ideal hiring process.
Intensives are all about TRANSFORMATION and CLARITY which means we’ll be able to get months worth of work DONE in a single day!
This is your chance to become that jet-setter you’ve always wanted to be. During your intensive we will meet LIVE, in-person to go deep into your work, so this is a great opportunity to hop on a plane to some place you’ve wanted to visit (and deduct the trip as a business expense!)
We schedule intensive locations in many beautiful places. Click the button on the left to find out where we’ll be next!
If seeing the world is on your bucket list, why wait?! This is your opportunity to treat yourself and your dreams to a whole day of playful exploration while experiencing the world in style. This is the life we’ve have… and why not enjoy it?
(Intensives can be done via Skype too, if you need the immediate powerful work, but can’t make the traveling happen right now.)

Hiring your first team members can often benefit from ongoing support, which is why you might LOVE our Solo2Team Infusion Program.
Infusion Programs are all about IMPLEMENTATION and ACCOUNTABILITY. Ensuring that you’re creating change and getting things DONE.
You will receive the private guidance, the tools, and expertise to ensure you stay “on course” and start building the systems and habits to both hire and manage your team members effectively.
We will work together for 6 months via Skype & by phone to help you not only identify and create your new hiring, training, & management systems, but actively bring on your first team members and put them into action in your every day life. Together we will be able to evaluate, tweak, and improve them over time to ensure your success.
Now, is the time to take action and implement the reality for your ideal business and life. If you’re looking for, both strategy and accountability support, to create the outcomes you desire, then what you want is an Infusion Program.