Take-Aways from today’s scope:

  • Team alignment is crucial to your effectiveness and success. That’s why time together is HUGELY valuable.
  • Retreats at least 1-2x year are great to connect and get the bigger questions considered.
  • Meet somewhere unusual – Not your typical workspace to help everyone “get out of their box.”
  • What to cover during your retreat? – the big questions.
    • Think expansively  – Where are we, and where are we going? What’s next for us?
    • Think deeply –  Who are we when we’re at our best? What are our company values? How can we be even more aligned to them in our words & actions?
    • Think strategically – Planning for big projects that benefit from the team’s combined thoughts.


Technology can make collaboration SO MUCH easier. Get an insight into how I keep TWO blogs running with at least 8 different people involved, make sure to catch next our Tech Talk tomorrow:

Using Asana & Evernote as Your Editorial Calendar

Using Evernote & Asana as Your Editorial (2)

I’ll be doing a “Behind the scenes” Tech Talk on how we use Evernote & Asana together for this purpose on Tuesday, July 21, 2015 at 1:00pm EDT – Click here to sign up!

Watch the replay of today’s scope: