I’ve been spending many years studying how we all manage our actionable information. Perhaps you call it a To-Do List, a Task Management System, that “stuff” that needs to get done… whatever you call it, we all have it. Or at least everyone who’s an active member of society.

We have responsibilities: work, personal, family, school, community, etc. We make commitments, and people are counting on us to follow through on our commitments. We also get ideas, inspiration, and have dreams and goals… and then we face the challenge of deciding how to get those things done. 

Statistics say that close to half of all workers feel like they are “on a treadmill,” putting in a lot of effort but essentially going no where. So many of us have lost connection to our purpose for action, our WHY. There’s stuff that we believe needs to be done, but we no longer feel a sense of agency, intention, and purpose to doing it. 

Two other statistics that I’ve come across in my research say that while 70% of business and professional people use a To-do List to manage their “Have Tos,” only 5% use a To-Do List to manage their “Want tos.” … Huh, no wonder we feel so icky about that stuff that shows up on our To-Do Lists. Does that also mean that when we work on our “Want To” items that somehow we’re not being productive or getting things done? After all, they aren’t appearing on most people’s lists… 

It’s my bold statement to you that THIS HAS GOT TO CHANGE! I don’t know who said it first, but “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” 

What if we created a system…

  • Where you could effectively manage your whole MENU of possible actions to be able to CHOOSE on any given day what YOU want to take action on? 
  • That allowed you in less than 10 minutes to know exactly what your HIGHEST PRIORITY action would be for today?
  • Where you created a pattern of success in getting your top priority actions DONE EVERYDAY?
  • That shifted your thinking so dramatically that you removed that overwhelmed, “I didn’t finish my list” feeling FOREVER?

Might it be worth it to you to spend a little time learning and implementing a system that could give you that experience, permanently? 

Here’s my question for you… If those FOUR things were true in your life, what would be possible for you? Share your answer to this question by leaving a comment below. 

If this sounds interesting to you at all… then I can’t wait to introduce you to our Inspired Action system. 

Stay tuned, and if you have friends who need to hear this too… Share this post with them on social media, so they can sign up to hear more too