It’s “that” time of year, and whatever you happen to celebrate… Happy Holidays! The road from Thanksgiving to New Year’s is full of family and friends for us most years, but there’s one part of this time of year that I particularly enjoy… the DOWNTIME!
Stepping away, taking time for myself, and relaxing with my family are my favorite parts of this time of year. Since many people choose to take some time off around now, few people are surprised when you say, “I’ll be away for the next 2 weeks for the holidays.”
That’s why I want to offer you some encouragement to step away, take some time off, AND improve your productivity at the same time. Here’s how…
We All Need a Break
Regardless of whether this time of year is particularly special for you, we all need to step away from our daily responsibilities and routines sometimes. It can give your mind and body valuable rest if you fully unplug. (And I do mean fully… setup your away message and don’t check your email for at least a week!)
Stepping away doesn’t mean that you need to book a week on a beach (although you certainly can *wink*). The focus is simply giving yourself a change of pace by breaking up your usual routines and giving yourself permission to not think about your work.
For years, I’ve made a policy of taking the last week of December and the first week of January entirely off. Some years that time has included travel to see family for the holidays, but, even then, the focus was on having a lot of time at home. It’s all about lounging around the house in my PJs, baking, drinking cider, hot cocoa, or eggnog (depending on my mood), and sleeping as much as possible.
Now, with a toddler, the sleep is still a bit harder to come by except when Brian and I trade off mornings. Nevertheless, the purpose is clear: REST.
Clear the Decks for the New Year
I was talking with a client recently about our personal traditions around New Year’s. For some people (like this client) New Year’s is a culmination celebration. He has a strong vision and preference for New Year’s to be a full-on celebration of all the amazing work that he accomplished during the year.
To some degree, that leads to him having a more intense November & December as he sprints to hit everything as hard as possible before the New Year’s deadline. These last two months can be rather intense, but highly motivating for him. This intensity means that his reset time tends to come during the first 2 weeks of January, and often there’s a slower ramp back up again for him through January and February.
I’ve usually designed my seasonal pattern to include a slowing down during the end of November and December, then a full 2-week break. New Year’s is barely even noticed in our house except maybe staying awake to see the ball drop on TV and give my honey a kiss.
After my break is over, the work and intensity ramps significantly up starting mid-January to hit the early part of the year with all my renewed energy, and it often can be a highly intense period for me. Even more so this year with the launch of my new signature course, The Freedom Evolution: The 5 Elements You Need for the Business & Lifestyle You Deserve, happening in late January.
I share both of these stories primarily to acknowledge that there’s no “one right way” to craft your pattern for this time of year, as long as you create a version that works for you. That said… with most of the rest of the world taking some time away… why the heck wouldn’t you choose to do the same?
Planned Reflection Retreat
For many people, this is a good time of year to step back and include some “big think” reflective time. As I’ve shifted away from doing “annual planning” and embraced “seasonal planning,” I find myself doing less “Next Year Planning” at this time of year, however I’ll be sharing more thoughts about what I prefer to do on next week’s blog.
As many of us have experienced, when you step away from your work those are often the moments when your mind is clearest for this type of imaginative, long-term thinking. So, if taking some reflection time at this time of year feels natural to you, then maybe Step 1 for coming “back to work” after your break is to block off at least 1 day (or more) immediately after your rest time to do some visioning and planning for the future.
This is a key part of the Pulse System, which I teach in The Freedom Evolution. You’re moving intentionally from Rest/Reflection -> Planning -> Action. Cycling between these 3 phases of your Pulse can make everything in your life and work feel even more powerful, focused, and intentional. So, if you’re feeling that pull, then open up your calendar, and let’s get that day scheduled!
Seriously… block the time right now. Find at least one day soon after your holiday break that you can step away from your usual work tasks and do the big think time.
Then, go somewhere different! I’ve done these kinds of reflection retreats in parks, at the beach, after (or during) a long hike, or in fancy hotel rooms (with a spa and a view).
I have a whole chapter in my book Inspired Action that talks about the steps for creating a Planning Retreat, and how to get the most from the experience. But, here’s the most important thing… go somewhere else. Get away from your usual locations both for home and work. You could book a retreat elsewhere or just go someplace nearby. Distance doesn’t matter.
Ideally, choose some place that’s beautiful, comfortable, where you can have food magically appear for you (a la restaurants, cafes, or room service) and even better… find some place that has a long view (literally). Go some where you can look out at a horizon in the distance!
Physically shifting your visual focus length into the distance and widening your visual range can create a bit of mental magic allowing your mind to start thinking more broadly and expansively. Try it… and comment below with your experience. It really does feel like magic to me sometimes.
If you want some more details to plan your Reflection Retreat, and you haven’t yet picked up a copy of Inspired Action: Create More Purpose, Productivity, and Peace in Your Life, then click the image below and grab a copy today. It provides 50 short, actionable chapters that can help you connect with greater meaning and purpose and develop the productivity systems to put your purpose into action each day.
In the meantime, enjoy your holidays and may you come back from your break feeling even more peaceful, calm, and fulfilled.