The days are completely falling into each other, right?
It’s possibly one of the hardest things about this pandemic. The fact that all the days just fall into each other, without a break.
It’s got me thinking a lot about how I run my business, and how so many people just keep pushing and pushing without giving themselves any kind of respite from the endless grind.
Because, when you think about it, outside of this pandemic we kind of fall into this pattern all on our own: intense non-stop work, exhaustion, intense work, exhaustion, intense work, exhaustion…
Aren’t you tired?
What if there was a way to CREATE a rhythm in your life that would let you plan all the things you needed to do, act on those plans, and then take a breather to rest, recuperate and get ready for the next phase of planning and action.
Imagine how much MORE you’d get done!
That’s exactly what we’re looking at in this week’s Insights Video
In this video, we’ll look at:
  • 0:46 – The idea that we’re basically athletes (no, really)! Here’s why.
  • 1:40 – What we have in common with the ocean (and we need that beach, Freedom-Lover!)
  • 1:56 – How we’re actually in control of our own seasonal rhythms
  • 3:25 – The three phases of each pulse that will take you off the road to burnout and on the road to a more sustainable life
  • 5:19 – Clear, actionable steps to start using the Pulse System (get your calendar ready)
  • 6:29 – How this system breaks up your year and gets you closer to achieving your awesome life dreams!
If you feel like it’s time to stop that pattern of intense non-stop work followed by utter exhaustion, and introduce some manageable ebb and flow into your life (while breaking up your year and creating some incredible new horizons), then this video  is for you, Freedom-Lover.