I know this person. I’m not gonna name names.
She runs her own business.
She’s good at what she does.
She’s got a handful of clients and she works for them everyday, and they pay her pretty well and she’s pretty comfy.
Here’s what her day looks like:
She’s up at 6am, and she does business development for two hours.
Then she starts her “paid” working. And she works all day. Through lunch. Through dinner.
Once she’s wrapped up her clients’ work, she has to sort out her socials.
She has to answer emails, gotta invoice people, then follow up with leads and potential new clients.
There are pitches to be made, follow ups to be done, orders to be placed.
She’s got admin to do.
A calendar to schedule. Meetings to plan and attend.
When a client is in the throes of a launch, her 6am days end at 1am.
And then there’s her husband and her dog and her family and her friends, and Netflix, who all want a piece of her.
This person needs a VA! But she doesn’t want to part with any money. Not a cent.
This is not healthy. This is not how you grow a business. Does this sound familiar?
In this week’s Insights video I’m asking you if prioritizing money over time is actually worth it.
When you cut a check to save more time…that’s when you start to make more money.
In this video, you’ll learn:
  • 0:26 – What the MEGA-entrepreneurs know about time and money (it’s what makes them so MEGA)
  • 1:06 – The one thing that can make a huge difference to your financial bottom line
  • 1:47 – Your tech stack is waiting for you to ORGANIZE it so you can save time and money
  • 2:25 – Integration and automation: it’s all waiting for you so you can get some time back
If you’re ready to stop saving all that money at the expense of all your time, and really start scaling like a Visionary CEO, then this is for you.